Saturday, March 7, 2009

Barbara Wilson Charity Fund Raiser

As you can see by this photo, this woman needs help. When her medication is out, this is what happens! We are asking you to contribute your generous donation so that we as a family can get her back on her meds and on her way to recovery. Some of you live far away and don't see the immediate affects of her treatment but we don't want this to continue. Neighbors and ward members have expressed concerns as well. Please contact Mindy if you feel that you can help. The mind is a terrible thing to waste. We love you Mom!

Family Pheasant Hunt

Our family has taken on a new passion for pheasant hunting. Our ward member, Brent Cannon, has graciously taken us under his wing, ha ha. Derek liked it so much that he asked for a shotgun for Christmas and Santa delivered. We just went for the second time a week ago and our shooting skills have gotten significantly better. At days end, we shot 15 birds! Paul was 7 of 8, Derek was 5 of 6 and Josh was 3 of 3! Not bad for a bunch of rookies. Paul and Josh now want shotguns of their own. Nate packed the single shot 22 and Allie just walked with us, she's such a good sport. Hopefully we'll have her packing heat soon. Brandon isn't very interested in hunting unless its a video game on the computer or the Wi. Braxton isn't much on walking so Mindy spent most of her time helping him along. We packed some treats with us and just made a day of it. Brent has an awesome dog named Kate it its really fun to watch her flush out the birds. Brents son Craig and his family was also there and they brought their dog as well. I never thought our family would enjoy this type of thing but we are really into it.

Monday, February 23, 2009

New Lemon in the Tree

This Christmas has brought a very special gift to our family. Its not the Wi, although that has been lots of fun too. This item brings smiles to our faces and makes us all laugh. We just can't get enough play time and it has brought our family closer. It is a gift sent from heaven and it is priceless. A gift that will always be with us and never wear out. OK,OK...the Lemons are adopting a little boy. His name is Braxton and we are thrilled to have him in our family. Brax is four years old and he cracks us all up. Poor Allie, surrounded by yet another brother. Braxton has been with us in foster care since July of 2008 and has blossomed. He wouldn't smile much and was very reserved but now he is very playful and smiles constantly! Surrounded by a lot of older children has made him come out of his shell and we are so happy to have him as the newest Lemon. The final adoption should be happening soon. Braxton is in speech therapy currently and is unable to say his "s's" so some of the things that come out of his mouth are hilarious! "Me can't go to Grandma's house cuz me lick"